Friday, December 30, 2011

Move In Ready?

So I just moved into this little tiny 290 square-foot studio apartment from the 1,001 square-foot two bedroom apartment that I had shared with my cousin. This new place is better for many reasons, one of them being the fact that it is all bills paid, and quite a bit less than I've been paying. But when I saw how small it was, and how disgustingly dirty, I started to cry. I know that God has brought me to this place for a reason, and I am praying that I will have the right attitude about it, but it is hard! Luckily they painted it, and replaced the carpet, so that is something. I am going to see what I can do to set a new standard of cleanliness and beauty in the small space of low-income housing. Just because we can't afford alot, doesn't mean we want to live in filth! Or that we should have to. Here are some pictures of the place as it looked the day before move in. To follow will be my efforts at beautification, and style.

This is the shower. It's so dirty still that I don't want to take a shower in it. I'm borrowing my grandparent's shower until I can get it cleaned.

This is the fridge. It is stained and ugly. Surprisingly, the inside was the cleanest thing in the place. Thank goodness!

Several walls have water damage. All the walls had stains from the previous resident, who, judging by the smell, was a chain smoker. One of the walls had a red wine stain on it.

Some brilliant designer put the stove right next to the wall, so the whole wall was grease-stained. They have painted all the walls, except in the bathroom, so they do look better.

This was the disgusting and stained carpet that they replaced. The new stuff is a tan color. This used to be the exact same color. It turned this dark brown color from dirt. Um, hello former resident, have you ever heard of a vacuum?

I think with alot of hard work,bleach, buckets of soapy water, and some paint I can make this place look 100 times better! Basically, anything will be an improvement over this!